Interface GivenArbitraries<F, A, B, C, In1, Out2, Out1>

The arbitrary concern of typeclass test options.

interface GivenArbitraries<F, A, B, C, In1, Out2, Out1> {
    a: Arbitrary<A>;
    b: Arbitrary<B>;
    c: Arbitrary<C>;
    getArbitrary: LiftArbitrary<F, In1, Out2, Out1>;

Type Parameters

  • F extends TypeLambda
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • In1
  • Out2
  • Out1

Hierarchy (view full)



a: Arbitrary<A>

An equivalence for the underlying type A.

b: Arbitrary<B>

An equivalence for the underlying type B.

c: Arbitrary<C>

An equivalence for the underlying type C.

getArbitrary: LiftArbitrary<F, In1, Out2, Out1>

A function that will get an equivalence for the type under test from an equivalence for the underlying type.